
Actively help in the organisation of the Swiss Malignant Hyperthermia Association; it is in the interest of everybody. Become a member of the Swiss Malignant Hyperthermia Association.
An association with many members has more strength and influence for the requests of those concerned. It can operate more efficiently in educational campaigns and in public relations. Registration papers and information are available from the secretary. To register by post, print out the registration form and send it to the secretary SMHA.

Membership fees

Families with children and married couples: CHF 80.-
Single persons: CHF 50.-
Benefactors starting at CHF 200.-


You have the possibility to support us with a solitary donation to our account.

Account No. 40-26838-4
IBAN CH61 0900 0000 4002 6838 4

The SMHV is a tax-legally non-profit association and all contributions and donations can be deducted from taxable income in all cantons of Switzerland.