Assembly 2012 – Basel

The 17. member’s assembly took place on August 25th, 2012, at the University Hospital Basel.
The members had received another bulletin last fall. The new homepage is finished and is being kept up to date by our webmaster. The committee would appreciate it if the members helped by sending in articles or giving feedback.

Different long-term members of the committee would like to step back and make place for younger members. The committee would welcome a rejuvenation. Irene Goldinger stepped back at this member’s assembly. She was part of the committee and the secretary since the founding of the association in 1995.

According to our byelaws, re-elections of the committee were due this year. The mandate is over 3 years. All previous committee members were put to the vote – Matthias Rubeli, Bruno Kolb, Kathrin Censier, Mierta Huonder, Gabriela Rubeli, Alois Riner und Franziska Balmer as well as the accounting auditors Elmar Deflorin und Rico Wyss were re-elected. As successor of the secretary Irene Golding, Doris Baumann was elected.

Franziska Balmer reported on the latest changes of the homepage: there is a download-site, where a registration form and information sheets for teachers etc. can be downloaded. The latter contains information on how to react in case of an urgent situation of kids sensitive to MH. Furhtermore, the documentary “Maligne Hyperthermie und die Diagnose mit dem Muskelkontrakturtest” by H.J. Dörflinger is now available on DVD. The DVD can be ordered online or by mail.



